Sunday, 19 March 2017

Colour Inspiration - Robins Egg

Hello and welcome to my craft blog.

Time to try something different methinks!
I was inspired by the photo taken in the garden yesterday when we discovered a beautiful Robin's nest in one of the bushes we were about to chop. At this tinme of year it is always worth checking before you start taking bushes and trees away.  The nests are well hidden and can be difficult to spot so take care. We were happy (well my husband is) that we have to suspend gardening until the nest is clear and the birds have fledged.

The colour of the blue eggs against the perfectly woven nest and the surrounding greenery is a true inspiration direct from nature. I am inspired to get crafting again, maybe a card or two....or more  :-)

Join in if you want and let me see what you have created using the colourselection below. You never know I might be able to russle up a prize for the first name out of the hat.
I 'll add my makes when finished.

Look forward to seeing who takes part and what the makes are like.

Many thanks for stopping by and visiting today.  Yout time and comments are appreciated.

Angela XX

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Mixed Media Canvas :- Everything Stops for Tea

Hello and welcome to my craft Blog.

My post today is a recently completed Mixed Media Canvas inspired by the great mixed media representations of  tea-cups and tea pots you can view on Pinterest and other arty web-sites. There is a huge amount of inspiration out there and some very clever crafters.

My canvas was one from an older project that I was not happy with so I got out the Gesso and reclaimed/ recycled the canvas for this new project.
I created texture with scraps of paper and roughly painted background. I also used a template and texture paste to add interest with the scalloped edges and then went over the canvas with standard acrylic paints, mixing a few colours to get the effect I was after.

The cups are from a hand-drawn template I then used to cut out the cup shapes from patterned paper.  A little destressing and highlighting later the cups were ready to adhere to the canvas. The 'Everything Stops for Tea' letters are from my stash. The  painted red hearts were added to make the finished canvas ping a little.

All in all a lot of inky, painty, messy fun!

 I think this is not too bad for a first attempt and I am lining up another canvas for a make-over :-)

Thanks for stopping by and visiting.  You Comments are welcome and appreciated.

Angela  xx