Thursday, 16 June 2011

Wedding Invitation

Hi all, long time no blog!

Now that the final invitations have been distributed, I have been given the 'OK' to post these photos of a wedding invitation that I have been working on over the past few weeks. I was really thrilled to be asked to do this project and once I got my process worked out, the whole thing went  quite smooth. I managed to source most of the materials needed here in Germany, but I could not find any supplier for the diamante hearts that embellish the front of the card. This is were DIY Wedding Stationery, Hale in Cornwall came to the rescue. Thanks to Shelly Booth I managed to get the hearts shipped in super fast time and some additional bits needed to complete the invitations. All the cutting and folding was done by hand with the aid of my Crafters Companion  Ultimate Pro and my brand new ATG700 (Adhesive Tape Gun) made the assembly easy. How did I ever make cards without this wonderful piece of  kit! The actual invitations were printed using my pc on ivory paper that has a vellum effect.

The black/grey colour of the font combines well with the ivory paper and dark blue of the ribbon. I've had some really great feedback which makes the work worth while. This is my first big project and I'm quite pleased with the outcome and so are the Bride and Groom!  And that what counts.
And now on to the Order of Service covers to be followed by the Thank You cards.

Thanks for stopping by and letting me share this with you.


  1. Hey Angela just love the invitations, they look so original and well done! I'm sure Linda and Ger love them too!! good job!

  2. These are lovely I have some invites to make and I've been given lots of those hearts and 'kingfisher blue' as the colour and that's all I've got to go on so these are really inspiring!


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