Saturday, 6 August 2011

My New Stamp Storage

This is an old 'Type-setter's Drawer' that was used to hold the 'type' for setting the print for newspapers back in the day before eveything went digital. We have had this for such a long time and it used to house my collection of elephants until some of the herd got too big for the slots. The drawer surfaced recently during one of my clear-outs and I had an idea how I could put it to good use again. The drawer sections are just big enough to store my (small) collection of wood-mounted stamps but has plenty of slots left over for future purchases. Big thanks to the current husband (34 years in training) for using half-time at the footy to set this up for me. Major Kudos earned.
Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Oh wow, lucky you! It's gorgeous Angela - I think your years of training have paid off too :) Di xx

  2. Thanks Di. I belong to that breed who never throw anything out...just in case. Sometimes it pays off :-)

  3. Wow Fab stamp storage.
    Becky x


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